Why bother then...
Newsday August 24, 2005
Bush administration officials have stated repeatedly that North Korea cannot be trusted with any type of nuclear facility, even for power generation or scientific purposes, because it has cheated so many times on past promises not to build nuclear weapons.
Geee, is this rational policy or what? If North Korea was serious about nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, should it not correspond with an increase in NEED for electricity. This is an argument akin to saying Iran does NOT have a NEED for nuclear power.
Among the six nations involved in the talks, only Japan stands solidly with the U.S. position. Cmon. I'm taking this sentence at face value. So, after WWII, I have to believe that JAPAN is the only U.S ally in the region. I have read that secretly, South Koreans oppose reunification at all costs. True, an open border with North Korea could do damage to the South Korean economy. This is political policy for losers. I think most citizens of South Korea are opposed to the rule of Kim Jong Il, and the people living there know a hell of alot more about the situation than I do. Everyone knows the horrible consequences that would occur if the U.S pulled up stakes in South Korea. Kim's regime would be solidified. If South Korea really ISN'T interested in reforming North Korean society, then the U.S should withdrawal everything. The K.C.N.A would have to start blaming all of it's problems on South Korea... Instead of America.

South Korea, Russia and China all appear sympathetic to various degrees with the North Korean position that civilian nuclear power is its right as a sovereign nation.
Then BE fucking sympathetic... Because THAT, is fucking pathetic.