A comment regarding the post below...
Anonymous*snicker* said...
"THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT!!! YET ANOTHER IILEGAL WAR STARTED BY THE MURDER BUSH!!!" Yes. War seems to be the only rational and effective solution to Kim Jong Il's rule. It was the same with Saddam."YOU TRULY ARE INSANE!! THOUSANDS OF AMERICAN LIVES LOST IN IRAQ, I think Americans are beyond brave; George Walker Bush in particular. Those 2000+ honorable men sacrificed their lives so that 3000+(or way more) people won't be killed AGAIN in another terrorist attack. The liberation of millions of people is beyond value, even the value of human life. I hope the left comes to realize this fact. "OVER ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND IRAQIS KILLED BY THE MURDER BUSH(but mostly by Islamic terrorists) AND HIS ILLEGAL REGIME (Florida or Ohio?) AND NOW THIS."
Are you even FUCKING AWARE that one hundred thousand people, brutally tortured(REAL torture...) and killed, is practically an improved mortality rate over Saddam's rule??? Shit! The guy wiped out at least 100 thousand after the first Gulf War. Saddam would still be killing many more innocent people today. It's the same with Kim Jong Il... "ANOTHER UNPROVOKED ILLEGAL WAR AGAINST NORTH KOREA." I wouldn't call it "unprovoked"... I would term it "provoked by the policies of the most evil government in the world"..."THIS IS WHAT YOUR SO CALLED EXPERT OPINION HAS CONCLUDED, THAT THE WORLD NEEDS ANOTHER UNPROVOKED ACT OF AGGRESSION BY THE BUSH / HOUSE OF SAUD FAMILY." Yes. The "Democratic" People's" "Republic" of Korea must be annihilated at any cost, or 25 million North Koreans will be doomed to live in tyrannic horror for yet another GENERATION! It would be great if the House of Saud pitched in, as with Canada, and even the U.N. Then I'll wake up from such a beautiful dream...
"YOU ARE SICK. 2008 THE WORLD NEEDS A DEMOCRAT IN THE THE WHITE HOUSE TO PUT AN END TO THIS CORRUPT BUSH REGIME." Nothing but January 2009 will EVER end "Bush's corrupt regime". How may fucking times do I have to tell you that? Hehehe, it a Good thing you are American then, as Canadian Liberal ideology is about to be put out of is pathetic misery, replaced by a new and Righteous Conservative government; i.e One that might GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE PLIGHT OF NORTH KOREANS!
A comment from cymru, a Pyongyang visitor, regarding the satellite image:
"oh, and i can testify from experience that almost every light is switched off at night."
Then you should be able to "testify from experience" that a trip to the D.P.R.K is an EXTREMELY regulated one...
"yes, i can." O.K then... Don't try and elaborate or anything.
But they can't fake the fact the lights are off in the night.
???? uhhhhh... O.K... I guess. Uhhhhh... What???
Is this just more of the D.P.R.K's systematic oppression(rhetorical question, really)?
i find this hilarious. Well, that's seems about Right, seeing as how you sure as fuck don't find my blog funny... you think they don't have any electricity because they want to "oppress" their people?! No. I know that North Korea has 7% of South Korea's electricity because they are ruled by a shitty communist dictatorship. you must be joking! The image tells the same story, is it "joking"?
and i know that bad government contributes to it, and I know the sky is fucking BLUE. Do you have a point here?
but the right wingers like to hound north korea at EVERY opportunity, Not even anywhere NEAR as bas as the K.C.N.A "hounds" the U.S. You know this, you read The Ashes of Tyranny.
blaming everything on kim jong il wanting to oppress his people. Like the way Kim Jong Il is"blaming everything" on the U.S. Not just a few things, EVERY FUCKING THING!!! Oh, and try reading the K.C.N.A reports. If it ain't anti U.S, it's anti-Japan, or sometimes anti-South Korea. It is also pro Kim Jong Il ONLY, to the most insane degree ever seen by mankind.
cmryu seems to know exactly why I am wrong, but he has not a fucking clue as to why he is so "Right". Why is North Korea the only country on the planet that has "almost every light" "switched off at night" cmryu??? A better question... what is the point of having LIGHTS(!!!!), if they can not be used AT NIGHT!?!?!?!? it's not as simple as that! O.k. Simple question then... What IS to blame for the plight of North Korea, brainwave?