Spotted dick...
February 8, 2007
North Korea's Kim spotted for 1st time in 3 weeks
By Chris Buckley
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has made his first public appearances in about three weeks, official media reported late on Wednesday, further dousing speculation he was in conflict with the military...
The news of Kim's appearance comes as international talks are about to open in Beijing to persuade impoverished North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons programmes in exchange for aid and pledges not to attack it.
It seems to me George W. Bush is willing to play the same failed game of leftist negotiations with this fucking lunatic. Why? Kim Jong Il is certainly as genocidal as Saddam Hussein, with a proven nuclear weapon capabillity. It would be easier to topple Kim Jong Il's dictatorship than it was to topple Saddam, in my opinion...
North Korea's Kim spotted for 1st time in 3 weeks
By Chris Buckley
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has made his first public appearances in about three weeks, official media reported late on Wednesday, further dousing speculation he was in conflict with the military...
The news of Kim's appearance comes as international talks are about to open in Beijing to persuade impoverished North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons programmes in exchange for aid and pledges not to attack it.

"It would be easier to topple Kim Jong Il's dictatorship than it was to topple Saddam, in my opinion..."
The repercussions would be huge though. If they attacked, then the refugee problem to south Korea would be huge, and the region's economy would be devastated.
Plus, America will now never attack as they have the bomb, something which Saddam never had. So I don't think toppling Kim Jong-Il would be easier at all: the indocrination of the people is also huge and they've been geared for war ever since the DPRK's foundation.
The repercussions would be huge though.
You bet.
"If they attacked, then the refugee problem to south Korea would be huge,"
Nothing worse than America's immigration problem.
"and the region's economy would be devastated."
You underestimate capitalism, yet again cryMRU...
p.s I guess it's time for a fresh pinko post eh?
"Nothing worse than America's immigration problem."
What? I think 10 million extremely poor people moving to the south and to China is a much bigger problem than a few thousand Hispanics looking for work.
"You underestimate capitalism, yet again cryMRU..."
What? I think 10 million extremely poor people moving to the south and to China is a much bigger problem than a few thousand Hispanics looking for work.
I think 10 million, or "a few thousand" North Koreans with the FUCKING HOPE of "looking for work" in another country would be a glorious revolution...
Why the fuck do I even bother cryMRU?
Fuck you.
"I think 10 million, or "a few thousand" North Koreans with the FUCKING HOPE of "looking for work" in another country would be a glorious revolution..."
Oh dear. But that's not what America, China or south Korea wants. So why would they even bother. DO you even understand international politics?
Fuck you. "
Yet another example of you pathetically not being able to defend a SINGLE one of your points.
"Why the fuck do I even bother cryMRU?""
I don't know, as you can't defend any of your points? Doesn't it ever get you down that you cannot argue anything? That all of your arguments are shot down and that you have nothing, absolutely nothing?
I really do wonder, as you have never managed to win an argument against me. It's been almost two years, and you, frankly, are shit.
But that's not what America, China or south Korea wants.
America would love nothing more than to see North Korea liberated and and an open boder on the Korean Penninsula.
China does not want it because they prefer North Korea remain a slave satillite to communism's last hope.
South Korea does not want to deal with North Korea because their country is ruled by leftist pacifists, in a manner reminicant of the U.N.
"America would love nothing more than to see North Korea liberated and and an open boder on the Korean Penninsula."
A) They care more about economic interests, than this vague concept of "freedom", which you seem to think that America spreads out of altruism.
B) Even if they really did care about a "liberated" north Korea, then they would have done so by now.
"China does not want it because they prefer North Korea remain a slave satillite to communism's last hope."
North Korea aren't a slave satellite. They are very independent, hopelessly so to the point where they reject aid. China sees north Korea as more of an embarrassment than anything else.
"South Korea does not want to deal with North Korea because their country is ruled by leftist pacifists, in a manner reminicant of the U.N."
Hah! Ok, you go and ask any south Koreans if they would like to start a war with north Korea!
The point is, you are hopelessly pompous and narrow-minded and don't think about what anybody else wants. Who knows what south Korea wants out of this situation better: them, or you who has travelled, as far as I know, to Texas and that's about it?
Hang on- you don't actually think China is still communist btw?
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