Thursday, March 02, 2006

State of the obvious...

USA (OD/MNN) -- For the fourth straight year, the isolated communist nation of North Korea remains atop the 2006 Open Doors 'World Watch List' of 50 countries where Christians are persecuted the most.

Uhhh, substitute the word "Christians" with "people" to be more accurate, in my opinion...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

New Direction

Harvard Crimson
the Bush administration needs to be the principal actor in dealing with Kim Jong Il and take an active role uniting the other parties under common goals and tactics. Anything short of vigorous leadership will render the 2005 tentative agreement as impotent and ineffective as the 1994 Agreed Framework, breathing more life into a regime that has long outlasted its stay.
Anything short of the complete removal of the "Democratic" "People's" "Republic" of Korea will render North Koreans to brutal tyranny...

Although the United States faces a whole host of pressing issues, the president and Congress should not forget the threat posed by armed North Korea.
I doubt they will. I doubt the President shares a sentiment different than my own, regarding North Korea...

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

There's also arms...

Rodong Sinmun on Music-based Politics of WPK
Pyongyang, February 27, 2006 (KCNA) -- A revolutionary song is a song of advance resounding in the ranks of struggle and a powerful impetus that stirs up the hearts of all the army and people to arouse them as one, says Rodong Sinmun today in an editorial. That's one hell of a popular song. Chart toppin' type shit! It goes strangely on:
The music-based politics of the Workers' Party of Korea reflects the reality of the country
Does anyone in North Korea ever get a little tired of hearing only music that "is seething with revolutionary emotion" and "embodies leader Kim Jong Il's firm determination"? Here's more pure insanity...
where the whole society is seething with
revolutionary emotion and optimism and embodies leader Kim Jong Il's firm determination and will to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche pioneered on Mt. Paektu with the might of music and songs as well as arms. ? Revolutionary music has become an invincible weapon of the Korean revolution along with arms ? and the Korean army and people are firmly convinced of a rosy future of the country and a final victory of the cause of Juche in the music-based politics of the headquarters of the revolution. The music-based politics of the Party is a powerful weapon which helps strengthen in every way the single-minded unity of the army and people around the headquarters of the revolution. The single-minded unity of the revolutionary ranks in which all the army and people follow the leader, singing revolutionary songs, is unbreakable and more powerful than a nuclear weapon. The music-based politics of the Party is also a powerful means which enables the army and people to valiantly break through any trial and difficulty and create an epoch-making miracle in the revolution and construction. It'll take a miracle for the revolution and construction of North Korea... No matter what hard and vast task they may face, the Korean army and people will overcome difficulties, more loudly singing revolutionary songs, songs of Songun, and build a great prosperous powerful nation of Juche in this land with their own efforts. Korean revolutionary songs are songs of everlasting conviction, songs of advance that guarantee victory of the cause of Songun. The U.S. imperialists' war moves to stifle the DPRK with corrupt ideological and cultural poisoning and by force will be impotent before the Korean army they just had to bring those limp-dicked Americans into it, for no reason whatsoever...and people dynamically advancing, optimistic of future and full of conviction. The Korean revolution will dynamically advance full of vigor as long as there are the invincible music-based politics of the great commander of Songun and the army and people who struggle, loudly singing songs of revolution. Yup, singing is what will ultimately save North Korea.