Saturday, August 27, 2005

I'm new here...

Boy, that Lefowitz has really got his work cut out for him. He's only been on the job a week, and already the North Koreans are saying HE(!) is about to provoke "a war of aggression". Am I missing something? The guy is in charge of HUMAN RIGHTS! What the fuck is their problem?

AP Aug. 27, 2005
North Korea said the appointment "is an act of bad omen that hurts our generous and flexible efforts to resolve the nuclear problem"you created and demanded the envoy be "removed immediately." Or what? This government has been using the nuclear threat as a staple of foreign policy for 11 years now.
"It is an extremely challenging and dangerous(fucking job) act for the U.S. ... to take its intention to topple our regime into the stage of detailed action,"
Uh, dudes... Light up a nuke. THEN you'll have some "detailed action".

In case you are wondering what Mr. Lefkowitz does in his spare time when he is not starting nuclear wars, here's a take from one of the best, NKzone. (by China Hand)
Lefkowitz's qualifications as a North Korea expert or even a human rights activist beyond the blastocyst level might not be readily apparent. However, he is close to Michael Horowitz, godfather of the conservative effort to recast the human rights foreign policy discourse as a struggle against religious persecution of Christians by communist and Muslim regimes, and midwife of the North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004, which authorized the human rights envoy.
Ok, scroll through the act and try and find the section where it deals with toppling Kim Jong Il...

The new post is part of the North Korean Human Rights Act passed by the Senate last year. The legislation provides $24 million a year in humanitarian aid for North Koreans, mostly for refugees. OUTRAGED over $24 million worth of badly needed aid. Only in North Fucking Korea. You think I'm mad NOW? Read this...

Human rights conditions in the North have been discussed periodically, but have not been a central issue in the disarmament negotiations.
Periodically huh? I guess in "APland", Human Rights abuses in North Korea are just a side-issue. This is what drives me to write this blog. The nuclear issue is one that MUST be dealt with, but I am not driven as much by it, as the issue of...Kim is a tyrant, his people are oppressed, and they must be freed. The same applied to Saddam. I was concerned with WMD in Iraq, but the Republican Party's biggest mistake was NOT making the issue of the Iraqi War, one of human rights.

It is about time to MAKE human rights A CENTRAL ISSUE. Fuck, I say make it THE issue. Kim has used his military and the U.S military presence to justify his regime's pitiful existence from day one. People are dying while everyone else just wants the NUCLEAR issue settled.
The Arab Times agrees.
North Korea has long accused Washington of using human rights as a pretext to overthrow the government of leader Kim Jong-il. Pyongyang cited comments by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice referring to North Korea as an "outpost of tyranny" as a reason why it boycotted the six-party talks for more than a year again.


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