Friday, October 28, 2005

Free Blog

As Freekorea.blogspot reigns...

The Eye chimes in...

The Educated Shoprat chimes in also...
The Ashes of Tyranny blog just came across a blog by a woman in North Korea who seems to be defending the government of Kim Jong Il of North Korea.
As a Good man once said... "Don't trust. And confirm." (and no, it wasn't Bush)
Of particular interest was a piece bragging of the progress that North Korea has made inspite of evil America's efforts to blockade them, which was taken from the Chinese Xinhua news agency.

Where do I begin? That's a hell of a question dude...

Here's how he ends...
As far as improving the living conditions of North Korea, Democratic Peace Blogger RJ Rummel says it better than I ever could with this brilliant PEACE.

Update: The Knight has just guest blogged at the beaCon of Western Canadian Freedom...


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