River of fear...
Korean People's Cause Supported Abroad
Pyongyang, February 3, 2006 (KCNA) -- "Political and public figures" of "different countries" in Asia and Pacific released a "joint statement" on Korea in India on Jan. 21. O.K... India is vague enough...
The "joint statement" cited "concrete facts" to "prove" that the U.S. keen to realize world supremacy this ain't 1930's Germany, through the "war on terrorism" listed the Korean Peninsula as one of its main targets of attack and is watching for a chance to start a new war while resorting to "all sorts" of "plots" against the DPRK. The "Democratic" "People's" "Republic" of Korea ARE the ones developing nuclear weapon technology for developing countries... Accusing the U.S. of working hard to deter the six-party talks from making any progress by provoking its "dialogue partner" DPRK through financial sanctions and create favorable conditions for a preemptive attack on it, the statement went on: "We who love justice and peace" are deeply concerned about the "touch-and-go situation" on the Korean Peninsula and vehemently denounce the U.S. moves for a new war as a serious threat to the world peace and security and a dangerous action to bring a horrible and irretrievable nuclear disaster to humankind. North Korea IS a "disaster to humankind", in my opinion... The U.S. "should" draw a lesson from the fact that its nuclear threat compelled the DPRK to have access to nuclear weapons for just self-defence and make sincere efforts for the settlement of the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula. Booooohooo! The U.S. "should" drop its anachronistic hostile policy towards the DPRK, immediately withdraw its forces from south Korea, replace the Korean Armistice Agreement by a peace agreement and stop hamstringing the Korean people's efforts to reunify the country independently and peacefully under the banner of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration. How 'bout you fuck off or eat smartbombs...
Pyongyang, February 3, 2006 (KCNA) -- "Political and public figures" of "different countries" in Asia and Pacific released a "joint statement" on Korea in India on Jan. 21. O.K... India is vague enough...

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