Same ol' provocation...
By now everyone has heard of Kim Jong Il's attempt at garnering international headlines...
Although he has used the threat of a nuclear detonation to gain concessions/attention in the past, this still does NOT project stability on the part of North Korea's leadership. Unfortunately for North Korean foreign policy, George W. Bush seems quite prepared to deal with the issue the exact same way as always, by doing fuck all...
"If North Korea were to conduct a test, it's just a constant reminder for people in the neighborhood, in particular, that North Korea poses a threat,"
Don't hold your breath waiting for either an explosion, or action by the White House.
Although he has used the threat of a nuclear detonation to gain concessions/attention in the past, this still does NOT project stability on the part of North Korea's leadership. Unfortunately for North Korean foreign policy, George W. Bush seems quite prepared to deal with the issue the exact same way as always, by doing fuck all...
"If North Korea were to conduct a test, it's just a constant reminder for people in the neighborhood, in particular, that North Korea poses a threat,"
Don't hold your breath waiting for either an explosion, or action by the White House.

Yet, I hope there IS a nuclear test on the Korean peninsula. It's occurrence will remind everyone in the world how righteous and just a war to topple the "Democratic" "People's" "Republic" of Korea would be...
Righteous and just. Hm.
Why would America ever be righteous and just? You think they actually went to war in Iraq because they love the IRaqi people?
I don't know why I'm bothering really, because whenever I put up an argument, you never respond anyway.
"Righteous and just."
That's Right...
Why would America ever be righteous and just?
If not America, then who???
"You think they actually went to war in Iraq because they love the IRaqi people?"
No, because America would love it if Iraqis could experience the freedom and democracy we do...
"I don't know why I'm bothering really, because whenever I put up an argument, you never respond anyway."
Valid point. Thanks for visiting CRYmru, at any rate...
"Why would America ever be righteous and just?
If not America, then who???"
Well considering America's track record of bombing the shit out of people whenever anyone disagrees with them, I don't know how they can be seen as the moral crusaders. Do you really think America is altruistic? Of course not! It does things entirely in its own interests, whether the world agrees or not!
I say America should just go back to being isolationist. It used to work, and America didn't expand it's cultural and military empire nearly as aggresively.
For the first time in history, the world doesn't need America. America needs the rest of the world, especially with the national debt approaching trillions of dollars. Without the constant "threat" of the Soviet Union, countries don't need America to be their safeguard. But of course, America can't deal with this and therefore must intervene in other countriesin their own national interest. And this is reflected by your moronic comment "blood for oil is a lot more humane than oil for food". Where are the morals in that?!
"No, because America would love it if Iraqis could experience the freedom and democracy we do..."
You know, there are dozens of other "dictatorships" which America endorses. How about the -stans? They boil people alive as a form of torture, which America is fully aware of, but of course they won't intervene because they are their buddies who give them access to oil pipelines! Iraq, on the other hand, wouldn't comply with America's demands, and thus get the shit bombed out of them, with the idiotic bullshit of a) WMD's b) getting rid of a dictator c) terrorism (with numerous Americans believing that Saddam had something to do with 11/9).
"Valid point. Thanks for visiting CRYmru, at any rate... "
That's ok, Ashes of TRANNY (see what I did there. It's almost as clever as you manipulating my one!). I just hope that my comments highlight the holes in you and America's argument.
Every empire falls, and America will not last as a long as it pursues its imperialistic policies.
Well considering America's track record of bombing the shit out of people whenever anyone disagrees with them,"
Like 9-11 I suppose...
"I don't know how they can be seen as the moral crusaders."
Easy. It's either them, or an oppresive dictatorship like the D.P.R.K...
"Do you really think America is altruistic?"
"Of course not!"
"It does things entirely in its own interests, whether the world agrees or not!"
Right. That's why invading Afghanistan was in America's interest. It's not a war for Oil, and never was. Tt's a war to end tyranny, just like Iraq.
I say America should just go back to being isolationist."
Fortunatly, they can't and never will.
"It used to work, and America didn't expand it's cultural and military empire nearly as aggresively."
How is isolationism supposed to "work" anyway? By acting like the French???
Or Kofi Annan?
For the first time in history, the world doesn't need America."
That's what South Korea seems to think...
"America needs the rest of the world, especially with the national debt approaching trillions of dollars. Without the constant "threat" of the Soviet Union, countries don't need America to be their safeguard."
That's a very easy thing for someone to say while living in a free capitalits demoracy...
But of course, America can't deal with this and therefore must intervene in other countriesin their own national interest."
No shit brainwave.
I'm glad Americans act in their own interest to keep North Korean socialism from infesting my country more than it already has.
"And this is reflected by your moronic comment "blood for oil is a lot more humane than oil for food".
Unless you happen to be a corrupt U.N bureaucrat, trading Oil for billions that was SUPPOSED to buy food and medicine...
"Where are the morals in that?!"
Where the fuck ARE the morals in the U.N?!?!?
What's purpose does it serve anyway?
Kofi Annan would rather watch millions die... Than attempt to do anything other than talk, about any situation. That's why there are now 50 French troops deployed in Southern Lebanon.
You know, there are dozens of other "dictatorships" which America endorses."
Yes. Like Saudi Arabia...
What do you propose America does? Invade them too? One minute you cry about America bombing everyone that disagrees with them, next your crying about America being friends with dictatorships.
Which one is it CRYmru???
It's perfectly clear what I support. Topple every oppresive dictatorship in the world and replace them with democracies, just like Iraq.
"How about the -stans? They boil people alive as a form of torture, which America is fully aware of, but of course they won't intervene because they are their buddies who give them access to oil pipelines!"
I thought America invaded Iraq for the Oil. Now America is too friendly to Oil producing countries. You either support American diplomacy in foreign dictatorships, or you support American opposition of foreign dictatorships.
Like I said, everyone know where I stand on the issue...
You can't have it both ways CRYmru,so do everyone a favor, take the fencepost out of your ass, and pick a side.
"That's ok, Ashes of TRANNY (see what I did there. It's almost as clever as you manipulating my one!)."
Not only is what you said not clever, I don't understand what any of this sentence is supposed to mean...
"Like 9-11 I suppose..."
Was that America bombing the shit out of people?
"Easy. It's either them, or an oppresive dictatorship like the D.P.R.K..."
You really don't understand, do you? The world is NOT black and white. It's not America the good versus the evil commie-islamo-fascists. There is a middle ground. And anyway, a choice between a crackpot dictatorship and a cultural and military imperialist country is hardly a great choice.
"Right. That's why invading Afghanistan was in America's interest. It's not a war for Oil, and never was. Tt's a war to end tyranny, just like Iraq."
No, that was to get Osama (where is he now anyway?). To end "tyranny" (whatever that may be) wasn;t the main reason at all.
"Fortunatly, they can't and never will."
Maybe not in this age of globalisation. But I'm just thinking of a way to stop America being the unelected world policeman.
"How is isolationism supposed to "work" anyway? By acting like the French???
Or Kofi Annan?"
Explain what you mean here.
"That's what South Korea seems to think..."
Again: what? Is this meant to be ironic?
"That's a very easy thing for someone to say while living in a free capitalits demoracy..."
Why, yes it is. What has that got to do with the USSR not being a 'threat' anymore?
"No shit brainwave.
I'm glad Americans act in their own interest to keep North Korean socialism from infesting my country more than it already has."
Lol. You think Juche will ever get to Canada?!
And I'm not just talking about DPRK. I'm talking about everywhere where America has intervened, from Iraq, to Vietnam, to Grenada to South America. That isn't stopping socialism from "infesting" your country. That's attempting to assert their role as the world policeman, which no one has asked for.
"Unless you happen to be a corrupt U.N bureaucrat, trading Oil for billions that was SUPPOSED to buy food and medicine..."
And killing tens of thousands of people is humane?!
"Where the fuck ARE the morals in the U.N?!?!? "
Attempting to keep the peace. Unfortunately, it is completely undermined by America, who take it upon themselves to defy international law.
"Kofi Annan would rather watch millions die..."
What a fantastically stupid and unsubtatiated claim.
"Than attempt to do anything other than talk, about any situation. That's why there are now 50 French troops deployed in Southern Lebanon."
This is why America and Israel is fucking up. Despite thinking they are the most powerful militaries in their areas (or the world, in the U.$'s case), wars aren't fought conventionally anymore. Bombing the shit out of people only makes it worse. You think that bombing Lebanon, the West Bank and Iraq helped make the area peaceful? Of course not! If your house was bombed, you'd be pissed off with who bombed it. Not with who you see as standing up for you. That's why things such as dialogue, and getting to the route of the problem, rather than bombing the shit out of people, and killing thousands.
"Yes. Like Saudi Arabia...
What do you propose America does? Invade them too? One minute you cry about America bombing everyone that disagrees with them, next your crying about America being friends with dictatorships."
What I'm saying is that there should be some coherence in their policy. Why do they bomb one country instead of another? It's because one country will feed fat Americans and their gas-guzzlers with oil, while another one won't. That's why I'm "crying".
"Which one is it CRYmru???
It's perfectly clear what I support. Topple every oppresive dictatorship in the world and replace them with democracies, just like Iraq."
But that's the thing: America doesn't. And even when it does, it's not for freedom and democracy (whatever they mean these days). It's so America can gain more economic power. You bomb someone, bring your own contractors in, secure the oil wells, and then your own country gets more money. It's simple, isn't it?
Why would America care about a country halfway across the world, when half it's people don't even know where these countries are anyways?
"You can't have it both ways CRYmru,so do everyone a favor,"
What, you and me?
"take the fencepost out of your ass, and pick a side."
I have.
"Not only is what you said not clever, I don't understand what any of this sentence is supposed to mean... "
I was highliting the childishness in you calling me CRYmru. It might have been to hard for you to understand....
this pic is quite interesting and i'm trying to figure out what it is....obviously something to do with nukes, but that's as far as i can figure out.
North Korean plutonium rods.
Check this link out...
Doesn't that link just say exactly what you've been saying here?
Plus, you remain silent on my issues. As usual.
"Doesn't that link just say exactly what you've been saying here?"
No, I didn't link or talk about the CBC, as it is far too irrelevant for my international visitors here.
Also, the fucking pictures are different.
"Plus, you remain silent on my issues. As usual."
I said what the fuck I wanted too. If you feel like challenging my opinion of the matter, feel free to try.
That's what the comment section is for...
p.s If you wnat to give someone shit for remaining silent on the North Korean issue, cry about Bush CRYmru. You LOONleftICS never had a fucking problem with doing that before.
"I said what the fuck I wanted too. If you feel like challenging my opinion of the matter, feel free to try.
That's what the comment section is for..."
I just have challenged you! I know what the comment section is about! Can't you see what I've just typed above?
"p.s If you wnat to give someone shit for remaining silent on the North Korean issue, cry about Bush CRYmru. You LOONleftICS never had a fucking problem with doing that before."
"LOONleftICS". Lol. Well done on that one. Must have taken you a while!
But no, I'm not going to have a go at Bush. I do that enough anwyay. You are a lot more fun. I mean, you don't answer, but Kim Jong-Il does hate you as it says in your profile. You must have done something incredible to suffer the wrath of that man. Perhaps it's your hobby of "destroying tyranny".
Have you done an of that today?!
"But no, I'm not going to have a go at Bush."
Because you obviously feel the America is inherently evil, and that the D.P.R.K is just fucking fine...
Which makes you obviously a fucking idiot.
"I do that enough anwyay."
I can imagine.
"You are a lot more fun."
Well, I gotsta start some fresh posts, I say...
"I mean, you don't answer, but Kim Jong-Il does hate you as it says in your profile."
Says what? Kim Jong Il is far too busy annihilating his own people to care about some Right-wing Canadian...
"You must have done something incredible to suffer the wrath of that man."
No, I'm just an average dude that feels tremendous sorrow for the North Koreans, who "suffer under the wrath of that man" every fucking day...
"Perhaps it's your hobby of "destroying tyranny"."
"Have you done an of that today?!"
I'll put a fresh post up tonight...
"Because you obviously feel the America is inherently evil, and that the D.P.R.K is just fucking fine...
Which makes you obviously a fucking idiot."
When the fuck have I ever said that North Korea is fine?! When?
I keep having to point out that I've never said that it's fine. SO you're the "fucking idiot" for not registering this, despite me telling you constantly!
"Says what? Kim Jong Il is far too busy annihilating his own people to care about some Right-wing Canadian... "
Exactly. So maybe it should say "kim jong il is my sworn enemy" rather than making it out that he has a personal vendetta against you. "I am the sworn enemy of kim" suggests this.
"I'll put a fresh post up tonight... "
Let's see "tyranny" come crashing down when you post...
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