No, Thank You
Thank you, Kim Jong-il for showing us that America's decision to pull
back from above the 38th Parallel was a bad decision. It is because of communist dictators like you that we should have allowed our Marines to push forward and continue to win in Korea and spread democracy across the Far East.
It only gets MORE Righteous...

It only gets MORE Righteous...
<..and spread democracy aacross the Far East.>
that's the prob....we don't have true democracy...we have only borrowed bits and pieces of it from the one true democracy in the world, the iroquois constiution.
every thing else is about greed, rage, intolerance. that's what 'the system' , the oligarchy has created, and you and me are mere scum on the pond.
i'm not saying kim littledong is right, but i'm certainly not saying that bush etc. are right either....megalomania is prevelant.....externalization from the oligarchal sociopathic mindset has brainwashed us into this fucked up world and we allow the phosphates to harden our minds and hearts.
YAY scout!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me tell you right now, you are far too above the intelligence level of the idiot who runs this blog.
You seem to be able to think for yourself, and that is not very compatible with someone who can only cut and paste articles from news services.
"the one true democracy in the world, the iroquois constiution."
Yea, too bad they all have to vote for Democrats or Liberals now...
every thing else is about greed, rage, intolerance. that's what 'the system' , the oligarchy has created,
Awww, cmon... Don't shed tears just because leftist can't get elected anywhere outside of France...
"and you and me are mere scum on the pond."
It looks like you live at the bottom of a pond... A scumpond...
"i'm not saying kim littledong is right"
Only insane fucking LOONleftICS ever need to point out that facinating revelation...
"externalization from the oligarchal sociopathic mindset has brainwashed us into this fucked up world"
No, that's called LSD...
YAY scout!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Let me tell you right now, you are far too above the intelligence level of the idiot who runs this blog."
You are far too above my head...
You seem to be able to think for yourself,"
Wow. That's a great quality in a person.
"and that is not very compatible with someone who can only cut and paste articles from news services."
I post pictures too.
p.s "?", If you don't like how I paste news services, why the fuck do you read it, and why the fuck do you bother typing a fucking comment.
p.s.s Next time you feel the need to type a comment at a blog you think sucks, could you try and make it ABOUT something? Anything???
Yea, too bad they all have to vote for Democrats or Liberals now...
^ who are 'they'?
Awww, cmon... Don't shed tears just because leftist can't get elected anywhere outside of France...
^ no tears shed, i'm not a lefty righty or inbetweeny.
It looks like you live at the bottom of a pond... A scumpond...
^and it's quite a fascinating place...lots of interesting microbiotics, and the scum has an excellent insulative value.
Only insane fucking LOONleftICS ever need to point out that facinating revelation...
^ i'll admit i'm as loony as you, though in a different way, however, left....naw.
No, that's called LSD...
^windowpane or purple microdot?
hey knight, you mentioned somewhere that you live on or near rez-land (or something like that, think it was you), would that be tsu t'ina?
"Don't shed tears just because leftist can't get elected anywhere outside of France..."
Er... Strange that France has a completely right wing government and that left leaders gets voted in all over the place. Especially Latin America at the moment...
"Yea, too bad they all have to vote for Democrats or Liberals now..."
Aren't all the Islamists going to get in?
"Only insane fucking LOONleftICS ever need to point out that facinating revelation..."
Yes, because otherwise you accuse us of supporting North Korea (which you have done personally!)
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