Fearing the false.
Friday, January 27, 2006
BEIJING (Reuters) - North Korea has denied a report that a woman in its capital Pyongyang became infected with bird flu and said it had had no outbreaks of the disease, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization said on Friday.
The D.P.R.K denies North Korea has any prostitution, AIDS, crime, poverty, dispair, or a nuclear weapon program.
Bird flu ain't gonna be an exception...
Friday, January 27, 2006
BEIJING (Reuters) - North Korea has denied a report that a woman in its capital Pyongyang became infected with bird flu and said it had had no outbreaks of the disease, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization said on Friday.
The D.P.R.K denies North Korea has any prostitution, AIDS, crime, poverty, dispair, or a nuclear weapon program.
Bird flu ain't gonna be an exception...

Or it might not actually have bird flu...
They might deny that there are underground circuses in Pyongyang. Are they to be trusted on this one?
They might deny that there is prostitution, AIDS, crime, poverty, and dispair in Pyongyang.
Are they to be trusted on anything?
So there must be underground circuses in Pyongyang, therefore.
There are underground labratories that use aluminum centerfuges to convert uraniumhexofloride into weapons grade uranium. Is that a "circus"?
Thanks for the informative input as usual CRYmru...
What I am saying is that just because they deny it, it doesn't automatically true. How do we know that bird flu is anywhere near Pyongyang?
We don't. That's the point.
We can't assume their denial means that there is bird flu there.
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