Sunday, September 25, 2005


Bangkok Times September 25, 2005
North Korea got a good agreement from the drawn-out nuclear weapons talks in China, and the five negotiating partners also emerged as winners. Uhhh, how did the other five countries "win", by giving North Korea MORE aid it does not deserve, in exchange for another false promise to be broken? I guess I "won" on my NFL picks today then... Unfortunately, there is already serious doubt whether Pyongyang realizes this. No sooner had North Korea signed off on a deal with China, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the United States than it seemed to start public renegotiations and threats not to my surprise. Pyongyang gained a huge and friendly opening to the world community with its agreement on nuclear weapons last week. *(snide)snicker* Reneging on that agreement now would turn a win-?win? deal for the world into an escalating series of negative events. Considering North Korea IS ONE HUGE "series of negative events"... It would seen logical to conclude they WILL brake the deal. I have never doubted this... Essentially, through tedious and cliffhanging weeks of negotiations in Beijing, the six-nation talks on North Korean nuclear ambitions were successful In your opinion. On the last day, North Korea agreed to end its nuclear arms program again. In exchange, the other five countries involved agreed to protect Pyongyang's security, and to provide a long list of aid that could help North Koreans to begin recovering from the terrible economic mismanagement of their country A.K.A Kim Jong Il. It should be noted this agreement was obtained successfully and peacefully despite the predictions of almost all of the so-called public experts on North Korea That's one way of spinning it. I knew there would be a deal, and I also PREDICTED how the D.P.R.K would react after. Outside the negotiations, pundits forecast the talks were doomed, because Pyongyang never would make a multilateral deal the deal will be broken by North Korea, mark my fucking word. The view that North Korea would negotiate only in a face-to-face match against the United States proved unfounded Yea, "unfounded" by the United States. Indeed, the evidence is strongest no one truly knows what goes on in the hermit nation, that North Korea agreed to serious negotiations simply because of the singleness of purpose of the five nations it faced. And the consequences.


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